The heat hasn't let up and the scorching affects most of the still lives elements.

Everything has changed with the exception of one of the quinces. It is not affected by the studio conditions involuntarily forced on this organic, still life on display.
We do not expect much more in terms of changes.
The mystery behind the missing almonds, and now the pistachio nuts is becoming clear as to the culprits. A long narrow tunnel is carved onto the block of the cheese.
The once smooth side of it is now rough and exhibits signs of scratching or scraping. Mounds of soil are scattered in few spots, mostly however by the platter with quinces and all around the studio.
Even one of the anchovies of the cauliflower set up traveled from left to the right side of the skillet.

Lemons are not affected by the living creatures that share the studio space. The planters behind the set up however, provide a good hiding place for the generous supply of pistachio shells with holes in them.