Visiting the studio three weeks after SLWB II was set into motion.
The changes are incredible!
Being in the studio on daily basis, Grahame doesn't see the changes as vivid as I do.
The first thing that strikes me is how muted the colors of the set ups are.
Still very vibrant, compared to what I recall from three weeks ago it is almost as if though the color saturation has been generously adjusted with a Photoshop slider.
There is something different however, in the way the changes occurred.
I recall Take I of SLWB in studio 1O. What would the other set up look like here after three weeks?
I can't seem to figure out exactly what is different in this process of decay and rotting.
The once muscular, snow-white cauliflower has withered to beautiful tiny, light brownish flowerettes.

Another noticeable change - there is hardly any foul smell in the studio.
(Was the move to another studio and all the extra work with particular specifications required of Grahame in order to run the project unnecessary?)
There is no cod in Take II. Thus, I place the smell to cauliflower and eggs. Their yolks have erupted onto the shells and tiny flies now hover over the basket.

However subtle changes in the cheese still life, evidence of some kind of presence is announced. The almonds laid out three weeks ago next to the salt, sugar and spice plate seem to have disappeared. Yet, the block of cheese is untouched.